Rapid economic development of the past decade in Asia and growing demand has injected dynamism into the region’s energy market, but it has also created new challenges for the energy and utility industry. Tembusu is the realization of a dynamic, innovative and creative business model, focusing on environmental sustainability.
Ben Lau, Senior Vice President (BD) at Tuas Power: “The first of its kind in the region, the Tembusu Multi-Utilities Complex is a system that employs cuttin-edge technologies and optimized resources to high efficiencies and environmental sustainability.“
A sophisticated IT solution was needed to support the Tembusu project. The system would have to perform end-to-end business processes such as contract management, fuel supply, meter data management, and billing. Wong Kim Teck, Vice President (IT) at Tuas Power: “The IT team worked very closely with each business unit to define a set of achievable key objectives that will strategically enhance the customer experience“. This led to the birth of the BEST project, which stands for Business Enterprise System for Tembusu.